Photo of ReaRW 2014 participants taken on July 29, 2014
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ReaRW aims
The summer school Reasoning in the Robot World 2014 (abbreviated ReaRW) had four aims:
- Teaching its participants the topic of the robot world perception, representation, reasoning/planning, and learning in it. (more about the topic in the sequel)
- Formulating issues related to ReaRW 2014 topics / answering some of them. Some these issues are generated by projects TRADR (long-term multi-robot missions in search & rescue scenarios) and CloPeMa (dual-arm manipulation with soft materials). These EU funded projects co-finance ReaRW 2014.
- Establishing personal links and friendships among ReaRW participants. Participants may display their posters to show others actively what do they do in their own research.
- Introducing participants to the relevant research environment and project results at the Czech Technical University in Prague.
ReaRW topic/task description
The recent development in autonomous robotics has been requiring the ability to perform movements, manipulation, navigation, etc. in a real, noisy and dynamically changing world. Let us call it ReaRW task.
The ReaRW task has been popular with the artificial intelligence community since 1960s. The task has penetrated and expanded in pattern recognition / machine learning, computer vision and robotics since. There were many attempts to provide a general method/solution to the task. The bad news is, however, that there has been no general solution to ReaRW task yet. The good news is that there were ReaRW success stories in particular applications. The most advanced and known also by the general public is, probably, the self-driving autonomous automobile, e.g. the Daimler-Benz solution.
There are two extreme approaches to ReaRW task:
- Assuming a full model of the task/environment and performing reasoning in it or
- Assuming no model and exploring the reactive feedback in a perception-action loop.
The implemented ReaRW success stories found a right position in-between the mentioned extreme approaches. The invited speakers of the ReaRW summer school were asked to give talks which might help the audience to orient in the issue. They will also provide theoretical and practical hints how to implement such ReaRW tasks.
Responsible: V. Hlavac,
Vaclac Hlavac last modified on: 20.11.2014, 16:13